Video Series
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In Muskoka, we're more than just a place; we're a community with a mission. We deliver services and lead change for a welcoming, connected, sustainable Muskoka.
Our new strategic plan guides our actions to build a better Muskoka by focusing on 4 areas:
- Our Environment - It's why we are here.
- Our Communities - It's what makes us want to stay.
- Our Services - It's what we do and how we do it.
- Our Team - It's each of us doing our part.
This is your Muskoka. Join us as we explore and celebrate the work the District does here in our communities. Together, we’re building a better Muskoka. It’s what we do.
Episode #1 - Series Intro: Building a Better Muskoka - It's what we do.
Episode #2 - Spotlight on Long-Term Care: Connecting residents—all ages, stages, and circumstances—to the health and social supports they need - It's what we do.
Did you know...
- Long-term care homes are homes above all — places where people can live comfortably while having their care needs met.
- The District owns and operates two long term care homes in Muskoka that are home to 236 residents.
- Set for completion in 2026, the expansion of Fairvern Long-Term Care Home will allow 84 additional residents to call Fairvern their home.
Episode #3 - Spotlight on Water and Wastewater: Planning and investing so that we have the services and infrastructure our residents and communities need—now and in the future. It’s what we do.
Did you know...
- In 2023, Muskoka was recognized on an international level, taking home silver at the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting competition – the largest and longest-running water tasting competition in the world!
- For one dollar, users connected to the water system could fill a 500 mL bottle of water with Muskoka’s award winning tap water more than 200 times.
- Fatbergs clog our pipes and can cause disruptions to our customers – Only flush the 3 P’s: Pee, Poo and Toilet Paper
- Muskoka’s Water and Wastewater Infrastructure includes assets worth more than $1.2 billion – including 17 Treatment facilities, serving nine communities across Muskoka.
Episode #4 - Spotlight on Waste Management: Managing our waste to preserve and protect Muskoka’s natural environment. It’s what we do.
Did you know...
- Landfill capacity is declining in Ontario and it is estimated that Ontario’s landfills will reach capacity by 2034. Municipalities throughout the province are diligently focused on minimizing garbage, diverting food and organic waste, seeking new ways to keep materials out of landfill to extend this capacity, and securing future disposal capacity. Changes we make today in Muskoka will increase the life of our last District landfill – and ensure we have capacity to manage waste for current and future generations. Learn where your waste goes! Visit our waste wizard or download our App!
- Top-performing municipalities in Ontario are successfully reducing, reusing, recycling and composting materials that would otherwise be buried in the landfill and are diverting more than 60 per cent of their waste. Muskoka has a 37 per cent waste diversion rate – we have a lot of work to do. By working together we can bring positive change to Muskoka’s environment by managing our waste better.
- The best way to help our environment is by creating less waste in the first place! By using materials wisely and avoiding unnecessary consumption, we can cut down on greenhouse gases, costs, and reduce our environmental footprint associated with waste disposal. Check out the waste management hierarchy image to learn more.
- You’ve got questions about waste management and we have answers! Visit our FAQ webpage to learn more.
Episode #4 - Spotlight on Early Learning and Child Care: Building brighter futures and investing in our people to support our community's health and wellbeing. It’s what we do.
Did you know...
- The District is designated by the Province of Ontario as a Service System Manager for Early Years and Child Care in Muskoka. This means we handle provincial funding, provide long-term planning and administer Muskoka’s early years and child care system from ages 0-12. We are currently developing a 5 Year Child Care and Early Learning Service Plan. Your input it welcome and encouraged – learn more and complete the survey at the following link:
- The science is in – 90% of adult brain development occurs between birth and age five. High-quality licensed child care helps children develop vital skills during their first five years.
- Every day, early childhood educators (ECEs) provide Ontario’s children with safe, responsive, and caring interactions that build a strong foundation for their development and well-being. Children who participate in high-quality learning environments experience increased verbal communication, reading, math, and science skills, as well as a host of other benefits. Learn more about the importance of high quality care.
- We are looking for home care providers to join our team! Learn more about Muskoka Home Child Care and the benefits we have to offer by visiting our webpage.
- We are designing a Workforce Development Strategy for the Early Learning and Child Care Sector, to support the retention and recruitment of a qualified workforce. You can learn more about this project on our Engage Muskoka Platform at the following link: Workforce Development Strategy