Water and Sewer - New Customers |
Prior to connection to services, all new customers require completing the Application for Water and/or Sewer Billing Services and an approval of financial credit background. Customers who are unable to demonstrate that they have a good payment history will be required to pay a deposit. The District's billing clerks will estimate the initial deposit amount based upon the type of occupancy (average consumption) and billing period. If a deposit amount is not received in advance, the predetermined deposit amount will be applied to your first user fee bill. Customers who can demonstrate that they are a good credit risk and enroll in one of the payment options listed below, may have their deposit amount reimbursed. A variety of Applications and Forms are available for download. Please select the dropdown box below Connection Permits. |
Connection Permits |
Connection permits are required and must be obtained prior to any work commencing to connect to the municipal water and/or sanitary sewer system. There is a $71.00 fee associated with each permit, as well as the cost of a water meter. Additionally, there may be a cost associated with the provision of water and sanitary sewer laterals to service the property. Connection permits are available by telephone or email appointment only. Please email us or call us at 705-645-2100 to secure an appointment. |
Applications and Forms |
Local Improvement Charges |
Local improvements of municipal water and sanitary sewer construction are either customer driven where at least 50% of the property owners expressing opinion must agree, or Council driven to address health or environmental issues, community development, road reconstruction or other utility construction. Property owners are billed when the work is completed, and can pay in lump sums or over time as taxes. Property owners arrange and pay for connection, and private systems must be disconnected. |
Mandatory Connections |
Pursuant to By-law 2021-17, as amended, an owner of any house, building or structure where a municipal watermain or sanitary sewer is located and at the owner's expense shall connect directly to the services within 24 months of the date the watermains and sanitary sewers are available for public use.
Any and all works from the curb stops (water service connections) and the shut off valves (sanitary sewer service connections) are private works and are the sole responsibility of the property owner.
As with most by-laws, those persons who contravene the by-law by not connecting to municipal services within the specified period, are guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of up to $15,000 exclusive of costs. Such fines will be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act. The only exception to the 24 month mandatory connection timeline is in the case of a failed septic system. In such case, an immediate connection is required. There is also the opportunity to apply for a 2 year extension period for the connection. Such extension will be subject to the approval of both the Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Services, and the Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works, and is only available if there is either a demonstrated financial hardship or intent and plan to connect. Appeals for extensions must be forwarded in writing to The District Municipality of Muskoka Engineering and Public Works Department:
Please see under Forms for instructions on how to connect to municipal services. If you are considering applying for the loan option, upon final inspection of the connection please forward the completed Loan Application Form with proof of payment to the District's Finance Department. A finance representative is available to assist with the completion of the application and will advise the property owner of the annual payment that will appear on their tax roll. |
For locate requests, please contact Ontario On call at 1-800-400-2255. All water and sewer locate requests must be directed through Ontario One Call