The District has moved to a permit application system, Permit Central, for the following road permits:
Additional permits that will be incorporated into this new program shortly, include:
To apply for one of these permits, please download the application below and email it, with all of your required documentation, to at least 90 days before the date of your event or installation.
James Bartleman Island Park Permit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applications for usage of James Bartleman Island Park are at the discretion of the District. All proposed events must be submitted with an application at least 90 days prior to the event. The application fee is $62.92 (plus HST). If an event exceeds four hours, Committee and Council approval may be required. James Bartleman Island Park Permit Resources
Licence of Occupation Permit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
License of Occupation Permits are required for any structure such as a dock, boathouse or utilities being constructed or transferred by the adjacent landowner, on a District road. Protect yourself and your assets by ensuring a License of Occupation is in place with the District.
License of Occupation Application
Special Event Permit - Temporary Road Closure/Usage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A special event permit is required for any event that uses a District Road. There are two types of agreements that can be applied for on District Roads, a Road Closure or a Road Usage. The definitions and requirements of each are outlined further below: Road ClosureA road closure involves the complete closure of a District roadway to all vehicular traffic. All road closure applications must meet the following criteria, at minimum, to be considered as a complete for approval. Only complete applications will be accepted for any proposed new or recurring Special Events: 1. Completion of a Temporary Road Usage Permit Application; 2. A Certificate of Insurance (COI) which includes The District Municipality of Muskoka as an additional insured. If you have questions on insurance coverage requirements, please contact a Purchasing and Risk Management Advisor by calling 705-645-2100. 3. Detailed mapping showing the planned locations of any closure(s) and proposed detour. This must include the dates and times of the proposed closure(s) and detour(s). 4. Inclusion of a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) prepared by a qualified person (QP). A qualified person is considered to be anyone who is trained and competent in complying with the requirements of Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 as developed by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. A TCP includes signage and traffic notification requirements to ensure public safety during any event for road closure or usage (similar to construction work). A QP often includes staff from either a transportation consultant, roads contractor or traffic control service provider. Sample traffic plans can be shared by calling 705-645-2100 ext. 4599. 5. Applicants are required to include a supporting memo from the QP indicating that they have prepared their TCP in compliance with MTO Book 7 as part of their application. Note that applicants are required to provide, install and remove any and all event related signage and traffic control requirements at their cost as well as ensure that Emergency Services have been given preliminary notification of the event (including Fire, Ambulance and Police).
Road UsageA road usage involves occupation of any portion of the road right-of-way and can include road shoulders, lanes and sidewalks. Vehicle traffic is allowed to flow through the event as normal or traffic is slightly altered to accommodate the event (using a portion of a single lane, for example). Any road usage which affects or impedes the normal operation of traffic within a District roadway is subject to the same requirements listed above for a Road Closure. While still requiring a special event agreement, special event applications that do not interfere with or impede normal traffic patterns (meaning no lane encroachments) can be considered for exemption from the TCP requirements outlined above on a case-by-case basis. All other submission requirements would still apply. Applicants are encouraged to contact the District Public Works Department with any questions or concerns regarding which type of requirements are applicable to their event. Upon receipt of a complete application for a road closure or usage, staff will undertake the following in order to facilitate an agreement for the Event: 1. Complete a review of the application form, event mapping, COI and review the proposed TCP; 2. Follow-up with the applicant on any questions, concerns or clarifications which may be required in order to process the request; 3. Once the items above are resolved, prepare the necessary agreement or permit to allow the event to occur. All applicants are advised that the 90-day submission lead time requirement is considered to have started only when a complete application is received. Incomplete applications will not be considered for further approval until any omissions in the application are resolved. |
To apply for a permit using this system, use the following link to direct you to the new Permit Central Program. Please use the How-to document for guidance on applying for a permit.
Please review the permit’s description, conditions, policy, and bylaws carefully before applying for a permit as some of these may have changed. Some Changes to be aware of include:
Payment |
For applications processed through the new Permit Central program, we will no longer be accepting payments over the phone. These payments must be processed online through Permit Central.
Forms |
Resources |
Questions? |
For additional information on road permit applications, please contact the road permits team at