The District is organized into six departments, each reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer. Each department reports through to standing committees of Council and work collaboratively with our Area Municipalities to align services and achieve cost-efficiencies to best serve residents and visitors to Muskoka.
These departments administer the programs and services assigned by District Council, in accordance with the relevant statutes, regulations and corporate policies.
The Administration department provides a link between all departments and District Council to support and facilitate the execution of Council decisions.
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee sets direction and oversees the functions of the Administration department's corporate responsibilities. The department program and service areas include, but are not limited to:
The District's Community and Planning Services department is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all residents in Muskoka by addressing the holistic needs of our communities. The department also performs a variety of land use planning and economic development functions.
The Community and Planning Services Committee sets direction and oversees the functions of the department's corporate responsibilities. The department program and service areas include, but are not limited to:
The District's Engineering and Public Works Department is responsible for maintenance and oversight of all municipal water and wastewater systems and waste management programs in Muskoka, as well as maintenance of all District roads.
The District's Engineering and Public Works Committee sets direction and oversees the functions of the department's corporate responsibilities. The department program and service areas include, but are not limited to:
The Finance and Corporate Services department advises and supports District Council, Committees and all corporate departments.
The District's Finance and Corporate Services Committee sets direction and oversees the functions of the department's corporate responsibilities. The department program and service areas include, but are not limited to:
The Health Services Department is responsible for Long-Term Care Services, Paramedic Services, and Health Planning Services. The District's Finance and Corporate Services Committee sets direction and oversees the functions of the department's corporate responsibilities. The department program and service areas include, but are not limited to: