This page was created to help you better understand opportunities to participate or engage in planning and development projects in Muskoka. Planning is a heavily regulated and formal process, and can be intimidating to understand, but we are here to help you navigate this process and explain how you can be involved!
If you wish to view current Planning Notices, please visit the Land Development and Applications page.
Why is Planning Important? |
Land use planning helps build complete, healthy and sustainable communities and guides decisions about where to locate:
Land use planning helps communities set growth and change goals while keeping social, economic and environmental factors in mind. It also balances the interests of individual property owners with the wider interests of the whole community. |
Who does Planning in Muskoka? |
The municipal government in Muskoka is organized in a two-tier system. The District Municipality of Muskoka forms the upper-tier, working closely with six Area Municipalities who make up the lower-tier. Both levels collaborate and align planning services to achieve efficiencies and best serve residents and visitor to Muskoka.
For more information on planning in Muskoka please click on the link below. |
How to Participate or Engage in Planning and Development Projects |
You can be part of the planning and development process by:
What is Engage Muskoka? |
Engage Muskoka is the District’s online platform to engage community members in projects happening in our community. Project pages include descriptions of the project, timelines, helpful links, documents, FAQ’s and a point of contact who you can reach out to for further information. Many planning initiatives are included on this platform (see list below).
You can also subscribe to receive project updates right to your inbox from Engage Muskoka project pages. |
How do I subscribe to receive updates on Engage Muskoka? |
From the project home page, locate the "Stay Informed Tool" (Just look for the big blue megaphone on the top right-hand side of your desktop computer, or scroll down on your mobile device). Enter your email address and hit subscribe! You will then be added to our courtesy notice list and receive communication to your inbox letting you know of updates, survey’s, workshops, open houses, and public meeting dates. |
Current Planning Projects on Engage Muskoka: |
Resort Policy Review for Muskoka |
Helpful Links |