The Planning Act is provincial legislation that sets out the framework for land use planning in Muskoka. Through this Act and the Provincial Policy Statement, the Province requires that a number of interests must be identified and protected in all municipal official plans. The Act also requires that the District Municipality of Muskoka prepare and maintain an official plan.
Provincial Interests in Planning |
District Interests in Planning |
An Official Plan is a policy document that guides the short-term and long-term development in your community. An Official Plan sets out a vision and goals and ensures that new development and growth considers a broad range of policies to protect the natural environment, align growth and development with municipal infrastructure, and promote complete, safe, accessible and inclusive communities.
The Muskoka Official Plan (MOP) covers:
The March 2023 office consolidation of the Muskoka Official Plan is available online at the following link: Muskoka Official Plan (Please note the MOP is large document and may take a few moments to download)
The MOP can also be obtained from the Community and Planning Services department.
For a cost of $46.81 excluding HST, $52.90 including HST you can purchase the Muskoka Official Plan and it will include an 8.5x11” set of schedules and appendices. Larger schedules and appendices are available upon request for an additional charge.
From time to time, it may be necessary to amend an official plan to permit a site specific development or to add new, or change existing policy. Current amendments to the Muskoka Official Plan include:
There are currently no active amendments to the Muskoka Official Plan
The Muskoka Official Plan is currently in a comprehensive review, to learn more about this process, please visit the Engage Muskoka Official Plan project page.
Amendments can also be requested by members of the public. Contact the District Planning Department for more information regarding this type of applications.
Muskoka's six Area Municipalities each have an official plan which recognizes the unique physical characteristics of that community and implements the policies of the Muskoka Official Plan.
The District is the approval authority for Area Municipal Official Plans and approval of amendments to those plans.