Unwanted and too much stuff? How to help the environment when decluttering.
The winter is a great time to take stock of what we need and don’t need for the year ahead. Whether it be clothes or household items, when we declutter, it’s important we make sure to dispose of the items properly. In this month’s Climate Corner, we share ideas of how to reuse or repurpose items you are not using, and if you can’t, then where to donate or dispose of them.
Sometimes there are things we just can’t give away or fix and they do end up needing to be disposed of. The District of Muskoka Waste Wizard can help you figure out what goes where so it gets disposed of properly. Remember the District is switching to clear bags for curbside pick-up in March, so anything you are putting out for collection should be in clear bags next month!
By being conscious when we declutter and trying to reuse, repair or donate our unwanted items means we prioritize the planet and the climate when we do our winter and spring cleaning this year.
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