Thursday, December 15, 2022 (Muskoka, ON) – We know you have things to do and places to go - life doesn’t stop when it snows. With winter weather already here in Muskoka, crews from the District and our partner municipalities are ready to respond this winter season to keep you moving safely.
We have a coordinated snow and ice-clearing plan that prioritizes the safety and movement of our community. This includes joint patrol of roadways 24 hours a day, monitoring weather forecasts and tracking pavement temperatures. Roads are plowed and treated based on a road classification system. Even before the snow falls, crews swing into action and work together before, during and after snowfall events.
Although snow will come and go over the next few weeks, motorists are reminded that temperatures and weather can change quickly.
For the latest weather updates, please visit:
Winter in Muskoka pushes our driving skills to the limit.
We experience this every winter – drivers caught off guard by the storm - most winter driving crashes are caused by drivers going too fast for Muskoka road conditions.
Yes - you need winter tires in Muskoka.
Why? You’re making it safer for you, those in your vehicle and the rest of the folks using the road. It’s true that tires stiffen in cold weather – having winter tires means they retain their elasticity as temperatures dive. The tread on winter tires is deeper. The patterns are made to effectively travel through snow, slush and ice, and the grip and road traction is far superior to all-season tires.
With snow, comes power outages.
It’s not a new rule, but we have all experienced folks who have a hard time remembering what to do at an intersection during a power outage. Stop. During an electrical power loss, traffic lights at intersections will not work. Use the intersection the same way you would with all-way stop signs. Always stop and proceed with caution.
Be a good neighbour.
When clearing snow from your property, remember not to shovel or blow snow onto the street or sidewalks. Throw snow on your lawn, not on the road. Shoveling snow back onto the street creates unsafe road conditions for motorists and is prohibited by the Highway Traffic Act.
Be a good neighbour and lend a hand to those who cannot shovel or have difficulty leaving their home due to snow or ice. Please be careful not to pile snow around fire hydrants or catch-basins. If you have a fire hydrant or catch basin in front of or near your property – please help us keep it clear – timing is critical when you need emergency services teams and during extreme weather events. Finding your home, especially at night, can be challenging if address numbers are hidden by snow or ice – help first responders find you, by keeping your property number visible.
To stay updated on winter tips this snowy season, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.