After the buying spree many of us tend to go through from Black Friday in November to Boxing Day in December, January can be a good time to re-set and make a commitment to not buy things that are not necessities. Overconsumption and buying things we don’t really need has a huge impact on the environment, as many of these items end up in the landfill and create Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in their manufacturing and travel to you. To learn more about overconsumption and how companies market products to us, you can check out the Story of Stuff short documentary.
No Spend January can be a great reset for our wallets and the planet.
What is No Spend January?
Just as it sounds, you try as best you can to not spend money unnecessarily. You choose the length of time and the categories you’re going to spend vs. not spend (like spending on groceries but not on dining out). Spending on necessities like groceries, household bills, transit and transportation, and supplies for your personal and family care and home, are exceptions. When do you buy things, make a point to support local businesses. It is up to you to set the rules, make sure they are realistic while allowing you to make changes in your spending habits. Here are some ideas of what to cut out:
There are a lot of reasons to participate in No Spend January:
To help you with your No Spend January, download this free tracker to help you see how you do through the month.
Tips to help you be successful:
Buying less not only helps you save money but also helps reduce GHG emissions and waste going into our landfills, its good for you and the planet!
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