Alex's Place, formerly known as Home For Good (HFG), is a “homelessness-focused” program supporting innovative local solutions for people experiencing homelessness.
Alex's Place is located at 49B Pine Street in Bracebridge and focuses on young people aged 16 to 24 that are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. The program aims to provide safe, affordable and supportive transitional housing on a temporary basis while preparing and looking for a permanent and stable housing solution.
Building and Units
The building has 12 small transitional bachelor units, common space for programming and supports, and office space for program staff.
The bachelor units are self-contained and are equipped with a bed and locker, bathroom with shower, and a small kitchenette with a fridge, microwave and cooktop.
Behind the Name - Alex's Place |
Since this tragedy, staff at the District have wanted to do something to support the Kerswells to honour his memory. In that spirit, District Council passed a resolution brought forward by staff to name the Home For Good youth housing facility “Alex’s Place” in honour of Alex. The Kerswells were extremely touched by this proposal when it was announced at District Council on Monday, March 21, 2022. |
Eligibility |
Services/Supports |
Alex's Place staff will help young people living in the building develop a plan and gain the skills and supports needed for a transition to stable and sustainable housing. Staff will be available to youth for support 7 days a week 9am-3am. |
Program Expectations |
Alex's Place residents will:
How to Apply |
To apply for Alex's Place - Home for Good Transitional Youth Housing, you must complete a written application and a referral form. Download our application and our referral form at the following links: Home for Good Application Form Home for Good Information Sheet For a paper copy application, please contact our Housing Team at 705-645-2412 ext. 4960 |
Links and Resources |
Ontario Investing in Supportive Housing in Bracebridge Alex's Place Accessibility Video Ontario Boosting Housing Supports for up to 6,000 Families in Need Government Invested $2.9M Through the Social Services Relief Fund and Homes - Steve Clark Video |