Muskoka District Council welcomes members of the public to address Council on issues that are important to them. You may attend a Council or Committee Meeting and address Council or a Committee on an issue by requesting to appear as a delegation.
Delegates may:
Council may hear up to three delegations of up to ten minutes each. Deputations/Delegations to Council and Committee are permitted under Section E.9 (d) of the Muskoka District Council Procedure By-law. Please review the By-law for restrictions.
If you wish to appear as a deputation/delegation at a Council or Committee meeting, please advise the Clerk at least two business days in advance of the meeting. The Clerk can be contacted by e-mailing
As a delegation, you are allowed to speak for up to ten minutes, as outlined in the Procedural By-law. Please make sure to follow the tips below when addressing Council. Additional tips are also available with respect to Delegation/Deputation requests.
The Clerk is responsible for establishing and amending, as necessary the Electronic Meeting Protocol for Electronic Meetings.